Known Also As: Talib and Sons Pty. Ltd.;
Country: Australia;
Address: 21 Anthony Dr, 3149 Mt Waverly, Victoria, Australia;
Company Number: 633227488 (Australia);
According to publicly available information, Talib and Sons is owned, controlled, or directed by Ahmed Luqman Talib. Talib and Sons is a gemstone company located in Melbourne, Australia.
Ahmed Luqman Talib has materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, al-Qa’ida, an entity listed in the Annex of E.O. 13224.
Talib is involved in operational and facilitation activities on behalf of al-Qa’ida-linked groups, including providing assistance in the movement of individuals and finances internationally in furtherance of al-Qa’ida objectives.
Talib has had financial dealings in a number of countries and is involved in dealing gemstones, which provide him with the ability to move funds internationally for the benefit of al-Qa’ida. Talib conducts business around the world, including in Brazil, Colombia, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Turkey, and the Gulf.
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