The Islamic State (IS) has been described as being either one of the world’s richest terrorist organization or as one of its poorest countries. In reality neither is quite true. Although it has many of the attributes of a sovereign nation state, including its own passports (which no other country recognizes) and currency, and controls a specific geographic area, albeit one with amorphous borders, it falls sort of being an independent nation state. Conversely, it is more than just a subversive or terrorist organization since it possesses capabilities and assets that go well beyond the typical terrorist group. Instead it is a sort of hybrid, half destitute quasi-nation state and half wealthy militant jihadist organization.
LLL - Live and Let Live calls for investigation and sanction for all of the
companies, organizations and private financiers of the terrorist groups such as ISIS, Hamas, Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood etc.
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